Top 5 Power Forwards in the NBA

The power forward position is no longer the typical rebound the ball, score 15 points a game, along with a block or two. This is the position that can change the way a team plays, with players vision and passing abilities at an all time high, this could be the most important player in a lineup. 15 years ago the power forward position was brute, physical player willing to put it all on the line. In today’s NBA the slot is also valued by how well that player can shoot from three-point range and distribute the ball.

Top 5 Power Forwards in the NBA

1. Anthony Davis, New Orleans Pelicans 

AD is one of the greatest talents the NBA has ever seen, with his ability to dribble the ball up and down the court, keeping his eyes to squeeze the ball into the smallest slots for successful passes and his uncanny ability to seemingly dunk the ball at will. Davis is currently the leader on one of the league’s most formidable NBA front courts. It is quite possibly the best NBA front court since David Robinson and Tim Duncan teamed up in San Antonio. The Pelicans need to insure that they are doing everything they can to keep him around for as long as possible.

2. Draymond Green, Golden State Warriors

Draymond Green gets plenty of flack for all the kicking he does; if only this was kickboxing he would be amongst the best ever. In all seriousness, Green is the heart and soul of the Warriors. Any time that the team needs a passionate speech, or a kick in the hiney, he is there to provide that spark. His scoring has dropped with the addition of Kevin Durant, but that was to be expected. Green is still one of the league’s most underrated superstars.

3. LaMarcus Aldridge, San Antonio Spurs 

Ever since his Portland days, LaMarcus Aldridge has been underappreciated. He is constantly over looked as one of the best forwards in the league. Aldridge is able to spot up and shoot, put the ball on the floor, or even post up most of the other bigs in the league. He is best suited being a second option, and that is exactly what he is on the Kawhi Leonard-led San Antonio Spurs squad.

4. Blake Griffin, Los Angeles Clippers 

One of the leagues most ferocious and feared dunkers, Blake Griffin has been a model of consistency; since he overcame a season ending injury before his first season even began. He has decided this year to add a new element to his game, the three-point shot. So far the experiment has not quite worked out how Griffin was expecting, shooting only 33%. The real question here is whether he will leave the Clippers for a new team this summer?

5. Paul Millsap, Atlanta Hawks

With Al Horford leaving the Hawks for the Boston Celtics in the off-season, Paul Millsap has emerged as the team leader. This is true, even with the team signing Dwight Howard. He is also able to run the point at times during a game. Millsap is a nightmare to guard with his three-point range and ability to take on any player one-on-one. So far this year he has averaged a career high 18.1 points per game. Just like Blake Griffin, will he be on his current team or another next season?


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